23D Launches Revolutionary
Rapid Startup Venture

January 23, 2023

By Lorde Astor West

23D is launching a new startup venture that aims to revolutionize the way software is developed for legacy industries. The company, which was founded by experienced entrepreneurs, has developed a proprietary rapid application development system that allows them to shortcut the development process and deploy industry-specific apps and services at a fraction of the time it would take traditional software development methods.


The focus of the company is to support the creation of a portfolio of investable early-stage technology startups by employing a proprietary formula to uncover markets that have been slow to digitally transform and then rapidly develop and deploy cloud-native software using their proprietary rapid development framework to replace aging legacy software. The target market for 23D is legacy markets that have a high barrier to entry, are monolithic in structure, have limited competition, are highly manual and specialized, and have complex regulatory constraints that are slow and untapped for digital transformation.


The company will vertically maintain the entire startup development lifecycle working exclusively with industry insiders and operators to rapidly develop solutions to the industry's most challenging problems. 23D goes to market with a select group of hand-picked retail partners with deep industry relationships. 23D supports its retail partners with the tools and materials they need successfully own the downstream customer experience exponentially expanding the Project's reach and effectively optimizing the costs associated with supporting a large customer base at scale.


One of the key differentiators of 23D is its composable user interfaces and integrated App Marketplace. This allows retail partners to create white-label product offers and monetize the enterprise apps and services designed for their industry. The App Store is how the platform and its retail agents generate revenue, which makes industry-specific apps and services possible.


The company has several goals that they plan to achieve in the next six months, including working to increase its portfolio of companies to support venture activities, scaling projects currently in-market, pushing backlog projects into production, automating core development processes and expanding their footprint across the US.


The biggest challenge that the company anticipates facing as they launch and grow their startup factory is keeping up with the number of opportunities that continue to arise, analyzing potential markets for fitness, and deploying their process. They plan to overcome these obstacles through automation.


In the future, 23D envisions that it will support the development of investor tools via a user-friendly portal where investors will pick and choose the startups they wish to invest in while offering a wide range of services to self-manage and even re-invest dividends and payouts.


23D is headquartered in Phoenix Arizona, a growing technology and industry hub. They are currently working with industry influencers, beta groups, and retail partners across a number of industries from financial and infrastructure to machinery and sports.

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